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Long Island deck builder
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Providing high quality services and products. Let’s design a custom deck for you.

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Affordable deck installations 2024

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Long Island Decking – blog


Happy Clients


A Carpenter that loves his job, will built you something that will last forever.

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Projects in long island NY

We work in long island, we will provide you the fastest and better custom decking service in all the region. we go above and beyond to keep your jobsites neat and clean.

Our Suppliers

Before – After

Here I show you a bit of our work.

Dave´s Decks

Your Suffolk deck builder

We all know that an improvement in your house is always a good investment, especially if you live in long island since we have very special promotions for your decking. Dave´s Decks specializes in high quality custom designed decks, porches, gazebos, pergolas, wood awnings, and a variety of other remodeling projects in Smithtown

We have many years of experience and we work with the best suppliers of materials so that the client has access to a wide variety of colors and designs for their decks.

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Dealing with the town, we will help you get thru.

Contact Details


+1 631-831-0255 / +1 631-883-5699


My Location

10 Frances Blvd

 Holtsville NY 11742

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