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Composite Wood Decking

Invented in the late 1980s, wood-plastic composite decking (also called “composite wood decking”) is made of wood fibers encased in plastic. Composite decking is readily available at big box home improvement stores like The Home Depot and Lowe’s, as well as local lumberyards throughout the U.S.

As more builders and homeowners learn of wood decking problems, many are turning to high-performance composite decking.

Wood Vs. Composite Decking

Many homeowners choose wood decking because it is familiar, readily available and affordable. At the same time, wood decking problems like splinters, rot and high maintenance cause many headaches. Although composite wood decking is easier to maintain, some homeowners worry that composites won’t look as nice as wood. However, manufacturing advances have led to composites that emulate the rich, natural look of wood without the hassles of maintaining a wood deck.