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long island wood decking

Wood is the perfect material to build and build decks, floors and exclusive transit areas that are outdoors, such as terraces, patios and transition spaces. Dave´s Decks, Long island Wood Deck Builder provides all the advice regarding their care and maintenance to preserve them in excellent condition and fully enjoy them, whether in the privacy of the home, swimming pools or on the beaches, parks and other places of recreation.

The deck or terrace is one of the elements of wood construction that has spread the most around the world. In its beginnings, decks were used to facilitate transit on docks and boat berths. Today they are a functional element found in the contours around swimming pools, as a relaxation space in parks and gardens, in the form of paths through the vegetation and even on balconies and terraces, among other uses.

The word deck, in the English language, means cover, floor and hence the standardization of the word to name these areas. «The proliferation of wooden decks and floors is explained by the fact that this noble material gives an important touch to the home and in turn adds the practicality of its use in galleries and solariums or paths. Practicality because wood, having little heat absorption, is suitable for walking barefoot, to which is added minimal maintenance, a combination of multiple benefits and advantages”, explains David, owner of Dave´s Decks.

The deck can be almost at ground level or raised by means of pillars to adapt to the level of any existing construction. For the installation of a deck, a set of wooden pillars are firmly supported on the ground. The pillars will support a structure of wooden guides, on which the wooden platform where people will pass is finally placed.

Regarding its characteristics, the deck can provide habitable spaces both above and below the structure. The work material allows the addition of design elements such as pergolas, latticework, benches or planters, obtaining harmonic environments made entirely of wood.