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Long island porch builder

Enjoy the good weather with a wooden porch. We tell you everything you need to know if you are going to build one.
With the heat, you want to spend more time outside, although, yes, in a cool, comfortable space protected from the sun. Pergolas, gazebos and, above all, porches – due to the possibility they offer of expanding the house as well as opening it to the outside – are increasingly valued spaces. We have consulted with two experts all the questions to enjoy 100% of a wooden porch.

long island porch builder

Is it a good idea to install a wooden porch at home?

“Yes: it expands the useful meters of the house, it allows you to enjoy a covered area outside, but attached to the house, it brings freshness to the rest of the rooms and, in addition, it saves space and construction costs compared to other elements such as pergolas or gazebos because it takes advantage of the walls of the house”, affirms David, owner of Dave´s Decks- Long Island.

What are the elements of a wooden porch?

There are different options although, basically, the elements that make up a wooden porch are the pilasters that support it at the front and a wooden deck that is protected with insulation and tiles on top. “The beams that are used must be special for structural use, so that they do not twist or crack”.